AIRSIM x BOCG Insurance

優惠詳情 Offer Details

新客戶請於此頁面填寫聯絡資料及郵寄地址,我們會於5個工作天內郵寄一張 AIRSIM (內含 HK$50儲值額) 給你。香港郵遞派送需時約5個工作天。你亦可選擇親身到 AIRSIM 銅鑼灣服務中心或 AIRSIM 沙田石門辦事處領取,提交申請後便可取卡。

For new AIRSIMer, please fill in contact details and mailing address on this page, we shall mail you an AIRSIM (incl. HK$50 stored value) for free within 5 working days. In general, the delivery takes about 5 working days by Hongkong Post. Alternatively, you can pick it up at our AIRSIM Service Center at Causeway Bay or AIRSIM Office at Sha Tin in person upon registration completed.

現有 AIRSIM 客戶只需於此頁面填寫現有 AIRSIM 帳號 (10 位數字),我們會於一個月內把 HK$50儲值額存入指定帳戶內。

For existing AIRSIMer, simply fill in your AIRSIM Account No. (10-digit) on this page, we shall load the HK$50 free credits to your designated account within one month.

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions
  • 此推廣之線上換領截止日期為2024年9月30日。
    The Online Redemption Period of this Promotion Campaign valid till 30 Sep 2024.
  • 兌換碼只適用於經本網站內兌換最多1張全新的AIRSIM 面值卡 (內含$50 儲值額) 或
    The Redemption Code is only applicable to redeem 1 pcs of New AIRSIM prepaid card ($50 credit included) OR
  • 現有客戶可選擇充值至現有 AIRSIM 帳戶
    Top up to AIRSIM Account for existing customer
  • 新客戶可選擇以平郵收取或到我們提定地點領取AIRSIM面值卡。香港郵遞派送需時約5個工作天, 你必須提供正確的郵寄地址以收取AIRSIM面值卡,AIRSIM面值卡會於3個工作天內以平郵方式寄出。 如因閣下提供的地址有誤而寄失,信京電訊概不負責;
    New Customer can choose to receive the AIRSIM Prepaid Card by Post or pick up at our designated location. In general, the delivery takes about 5 working days by Hongkong Post. You must provide a correct Hong Kong mailing address. We will mail the AIRSIM to you by Hongkong post within 3 working days. We shall not be responsible for the lost of AIRSIM due to the inaccurate or incomplete mailing address provided;
  • 選擇領取AIRSIM卡之客戶,收到AIRSIM卡後請於 2024年11月30日前下載並登記AIRSIM App and AIRTALK App以領取 HK$50儲值額。於 AIRSIM App 首次註冊後,AIRSIM 帳戶會有一年有效期。每次購買數據套餐或充值,有效期會自動延長一年。
    For new AIRSIMer, please download and register AIRSIM App and AIRTALK App before 30 Nov 2024 upon receipt of the new AIRSIM card in order to receive the free credit in the account. The AIRSIM account has 1 year validity after first registration in AIRSIM App. The expiry date will be extended for another 1 year automatically after you purchased a data package or top-up every time.
  • 現有客戶必須提供正確的帳戶號碼。
    Existing customers must provide accurate account numbers.
  • 兌換碼只可使用一次及不得兌換現金;
    Redemption Code can be used once only and cannot be redeemed for cash;
  • 請你好好保管在換領計劃下換領的兌換碼。如有遺失或失效,信京電訊概不負責;
    Shinetown Telecom shall not be responsible for any loss or voided Redemption Code;
  • 兌換碼不可與任何其他推廣優惠或折扣一併使用;
    You are not allowed to use the Redemption Code in conjunction with any other promotional offer or discount;
  • 此優惠不適用於 AIRSIM 企業客戶。
    Not applicable to Corporate Customer Accounts.
  • 領取 HK$50 儲值額只適用於使用AIRSIM 港幣帳戶的現有客戶。
    HK$50 Free Credit is applicable to all Existing AIRSIMer with a valid HKD AIRSIM account.
  • 如有任何爭議,信京電訊保留最終決定權;
    In case of any dispute, Shinetown Telecom reserves the right of final decision;

For enquiries, please contact AIRSIM 24/7 Customer Service Support.
Facebook Messenger:
WhatsApp: +852 6990 6880
LINE Official Account 官方帳號: @airsim
電郵 Email:


Personal Information Collection Statement:
Personal data collected from participants will be used for this exchange program only. Data will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with third parties.
For details, please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement at:

AIRSIM x BOCG Insurance

優惠詳情 Offer Details

新客戶請於此頁面填寫聯絡資料及郵寄地址,我們會於5個工作天內郵寄一張 AIRSIM (內含 HK$50儲值額) 給你。香港郵遞派送需時約5個工作天。你亦可選擇親身到 AIRSIM 銅鑼灣服務中心或 AIRSIM 沙田石門辦事處領取,提交申請後便可取卡。

For new AIRSIMer, please fill in contact details and mailing address on this page, we shall mail you an AIRSIM (incl. HK$50 stored value) for free within 5 working days. In general, the delivery takes about 5 working days by Hongkong Post. Alternatively, you can pick it up at our AIRSIM Service Center at Causeway Bay or AIRSIM Office at Sha Tin in person upon registration completed.

現有 AIRSIM 客戶只需於此頁面填寫現有 AIRSIM 帳號 (10 位數字),我們會於一個月內把 HK$50儲值額存入指定帳戶內。

For existing AIRSIMer, simply fill in your AIRSIM Account No. (10-digit) on this page, we shall load the HK$50 free credits to your designated account within one month.

條款及細則 Terms and Conditions
  • 此推廣之線上換領截止日期為2024年9月30日。
    The Online Redemption Period of this Promotion Campaign valid till 30 Sep 2024.
  • 兌換碼只適用於經本網站內兌換最多1張全新的AIRSIM 面值卡 (內含$50 儲值額) 或
    The Redemption Code is only applicable to redeem 1 pcs of New AIRSIM prepaid card ($50 credit included) OR
  • 現有客戶可選擇充值至現有 AIRSIM 帳戶
    Top up to AIRSIM Account for existing customer
  • 新客戶可選擇以平郵收取或到我們提定地點領取AIRSIM面值卡。香港郵遞派送需時約5個工作天, 你必須提供正確的郵寄地址以收取AIRSIM面值卡,AIRSIM面值卡會於3個工作天內以平郵方式寄出。 如因閣下提供的地址有誤而寄失,信京電訊概不負責;
    New Customer can choose to receive the AIRSIM Prepaid Card by Post or pick up at our designated location. In general, the delivery takes about 5 working days by Hongkong Post. You must provide a correct Hong Kong mailing address. We will mail the AIRSIM to you by Hongkong post within 3 working days. We shall not be responsible for the lost of AIRSIM due to the inaccurate or incomplete mailing address provided;
  • 選擇領取AIRSIM卡之客戶,收到AIRSIM卡後請於 2024年11月30日前下載並登記AIRSIM App and AIRTALK App以領取 HK$50儲值額。於 AIRSIM App 首次註冊後,AIRSIM 帳戶會有一年有效期。每次購買數據套餐或充值,有效期會自動延長一年。
    For new AIRSIMer, please download and register AIRSIM App and AIRTALK App before 30 Nov 2024 upon receipt of the new AIRSIM card in order to receive the free credit in the account. The AIRSIM account has 1 year validity after first registration in AIRSIM App. The expiry date will be extended for another 1 year automatically after you purchased a data package or top-up every time.
  • 現有客戶必須提供正確的帳戶號碼。
    Existing customers must provide accurate account numbers.
  • 兌換碼只可使用一次及不得兌換現金;
    Redemption Code can be used once only and cannot be redeemed for cash;
  • 請你好好保管在換領計劃下換領的兌換碼。如有遺失或失效,信京電訊概不負責;
    Shinetown Telecom shall not be responsible for any loss or voided Redemption Code;
  • 兌換碼不可與任何其他推廣優惠或折扣一併使用;
    You are not allowed to use the Redemption Code in conjunction with any other promotional offer or discount;
  • 此優惠不適用於 AIRSIM 企業客戶。
    Not applicable to Corporate Customer Accounts.
  • 領取 HK$50 儲值額只適用於使用AIRSIM 港幣帳戶的現有客戶。
    HK$50 Free Credit is applicable to all Existing AIRSIMer with a valid HKD AIRSIM account.
  • 如有任何爭議,信京電訊保留最終決定權;
    In case of any dispute, Shinetown Telecom reserves the right of final decision;

For enquiries, please contact AIRSIM 24/7 Customer Service Support.
Facebook Messenger:
WhatsApp: +852 6990 6880
LINE Official Account 官方帳號: @airsim
電郵 Email:


Personal Information Collection Statement:
Personal data collected from participants will be used for this exchange program only. Data will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with third parties.
For details, please refer to our Privacy Policy Statement at:

Please fill in below information:

配送方式 Shipping

Shipping Address 郵寄地址

ShineClub Causeway 門市地址

Shop 115. 1/F Causeway Bay Centre,
23 Sugar Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

營業時間 Opening hours:
Mon - Sat 星期一至六: 11:00 – 19:30
Sun 星期日: 09:00 – 19:00
Google 地圖

Please pick up at store with your registered phone number and email upon registration.
" >

沙田石門辨事處 Shatin Head Office

Unit 7-11, 22/F, Corporation Park,
11 On Lai Street, Shek Mum, Shatin

營業時間 Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 星期一至五: 09:00 – 18:00
Sat,Sun,PH 星期六,日: Closed 休息
Google 地圖

Please pick up at office with your registered phone number and email upon registration.
" >

帳戶儲值 Account Topup

每個帳戶只可領取一次, 重複申請將不獲接納
